How do you obtain a Non-Molestation Order

How do you obtain a Non-Molestation Order.

⇒  Process open to all

⇒ No need to use a Solicitor

⇒ Can be obtained in days

The process of obtaining a Non-Molestation Order is relatively straightforward, and is not something that you should be scared of. All you need to do is complete the appropriate form, then attend at your local Court with a supporting statement and evidence .

To begin, let’s dispel a few myths around getting a Non-Molestation Order. For one, there is no court fee when it comes to making an application. If somebody tries to tell you that this is a costly process, they are mistaken. Similarly, you do not need to pay a solicitor to help you put your application together. As a process, it is entirely possible to complete by yourself. On top of this, you can get the whole thing done from your own home. There is no requirement to deliver the application physically, it is possible to complete online.

Whilst it is not necessary to seek a solicitor’s advice, it is very common for people to seek some help elsewhere. Given the form is about twenty pages long and the process might be understandably stressful, there do exist specialists who are experts at offering support throughout the entire process.

In terms of what the form actually looks like, it is a mixture of checking boxes and filling in text. The box checking ensures that the courts are given all the basic information that they need to consider your application. For example, this covers your relationship to the Respondent, a general description of their unwanted behaviour, and what the outcome is that you are seeking.

The text boxes largely serve to fill in your personal information and that of the Respondent, quite simply so the court know who you are and where you can be contacted. As well as this, there are boxes if you feel it is necessary to provide further explanation or detail on certain points. Where this is most important is if you want the order to be made ‘without notice’, without the Respondent knowing in advance. This will be in cases where there is a significant risk to either you or a relevant child, the boxes allow you to show why this necessary.

As well as the application form, you must also fill in a supporting statement. This is where you can go into more detail about the abuse at hand, and make your case to the court as to why a Non-Molestation Order should be awarded. Given the sensitivity of this, it is very normal to seek some support for this statement whether that be with the writing or simply emotionally.

Once these documents have been provided to the courts, you will be given a date for a hearing, quite possibly the same day. Here the court will hear your statement, and come to a decision as to whether or not a Non-Molestation Order be granted. If you have applied for a Non-Mol “without notice”, then the Respondent will not be there because they will not know about your application.

As a process there are only a few steps that you have to go through. With a bit of guidance, you can have your application complete in no time at all.

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