Obtain a Non-Molestation Order for £350

We help people obtain Non-Molestation Orders. It is all we do so our experienced team are ideally placed to help you.

Working with us, we ensure a Non-Molestation Order is right for you and that it offers you the level of protection that you require. 

So as there is no confusion or risk of hidden fees we operate a fixed fee system where we will work with you throughout the process of obtaining your Order for a fixed affordable fee of £350.

How we can help

Our HOPE process breaks down the steps needed to obtain a Non-Molestation Order into four clear stages.

Each step is clearly defined and we are by your side throughout helping you to obtain your Non-Molestation Order, so you can reclaim your life.

Each Step is set our below in more detail. 

Step 1

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Understand the process and ask any questions

You probably have questions or concerns about obtaining a Non-Molestation. Hopefully our HOPE process provides reassurance and answers these questions.

Should you still have any questions or be unsure about a specific part of the process before you proceed with us we can answer these for you.

Unfortunately, due to the volume of enquiries we receive we cannot provide advice by phone but if you go to our Getting Started page you can send us any questions and we will get back to you with a reply.

Step 2

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Outlining the process and timescales

Once you decide to use our fixed fee service to obtain your Non-Molestation Order signing up and getting started is a straightforward process.

To get started we just need a few details which we collect online which allows us to allocate the right Consultant with you.

They will then get in touch to talk in detail about the Domestic Abuse you have suffered so as we can ensure your Application and Supporting Service reflect the abuse you have suffered.

Whilst our timescales are flexible we do look to put you in a position to attend Court and apply for your Non-Molestation Order within 3 – 5 days.

Step 3

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Preparing the documents for the Court

Before you attend Court to apply for your Non-Molestation Order we will help you prepare all the necessary paperwork.

This will consist of the Application Form, your Statement which supports your Application and sets out the Domestic Abuse suffered and why the Non-Molestation Order is necessary. It will also include any photos or message screenshots that further support the Application.

One of our experienced Consultants will work with you to put the Statement together so as to ensure it accurately reflects your situation

Step 4

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Obtaining your Non-Molestation Order

Once all your documents are prepared you are ready to attend at your local Family Court to apply for your Non-Molestation Order.

For this stage we will provide you with a visual guide and notes on what to expect at Court.

It is important to remember that generally attending Court does not mean you will be in a Courtroom. Most Judges prefer to deal with Hearings for Non-Molestation Orders in Chambers, which is best described as being like a meeting room.


Next Steps

What happens next, service of the documents and ensuring you are protected

Once you have been granted your Non-Molestation Order the Court Office will prepare the Order and email it you.

You then need to arrange for a Process Server to serve the Order, the Application Form and your Statement on the other party (Respondent). 

We can arrange this for you, if required through our UK wide network of process servers for a fee of £99. This covers three attempts at personal service of the documents and providing you with a Statement of Service to pass to the Court and to the Police

You do not have to use us to have your Order served and can arrange service yourself 

Once the Order and supporting documents have been served the Process Server will provide you with a Statement of Service which you need to provide to the Court and to the Police.

You are now protected by your Non-Molestation Order and the Police will arrest the Respondent should they breach the terms of the Order